Thursday, January 2, 2020
National Ordinance Curacao - Changes profit tax as per 1 January 2020
Happy New Year from the Baker Tilly team! In this update, we inform you about the most important changes in the Curaçao profit tax legislation effective as of 1 January 2020. The legislative amendments are set forth in the National Ordinance Tax Law Amendment 2019 (in Dutch: Landsverordening Belastingherziening 2019; hereinafter the “Ordinance”).
You can read the memo in both Dutch and English.
If you have any questions or would like to receive more information please contact:
Anjli Finessi, tax adviser, finessi@bakertillycuracao.com
Wilco van Oosten, tax adviser, vanoosten@bakertillycuracao.com
Arthur van Aalst, tax attorney, vanaalst@bakertillycuracao.com